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Location – Studio or (virtual?) reality

This image appeared in The Book with the following text:

“In some cases, it is the image you have in your head that creates the decision about where the shoot can take place. The pose shown here suggests influence from the likes of Helmut Newton. To try to create such an image in the studio would, at best, be problematic since the wall creates the feeling of “posed reality”. It is for the viewer to ponder if this was taken using natural window light, or a flash light with a large diffuser was used.”

It was, in reality, a rented apartment in Krakow, chosen for this “wall with character”. Note the carefully chosen word “reality”. For a long time, the potential to change the background has been there, with the art of retouching going back to the beginnings of photography. But the greater use of what people like to call “artificial intelligence” (in reality, its just a lot of maths with probabilities) has not really changed what it possible. It has just opened it up to the masses, making it quicker and easier to create apparent experts. Less art, more about pushing the right buttons to have an “amazing” result in less the 15 minutes, the typical duration of a retouching YouTube video. But the limit is not the process. The limit is the imagination. And, arguably, the cost.

Personally? I prefer to keep in touch with reality.

EXTRA: For those curious about how much AI can now do, I suggest looking at this video by PiXimperfect. Other post-production software can achieve similar effects, though the skills of this person should not be underestimate.


Aperture: f/11

Exposure time: 1/125 sec.

Lens: 24 mm

ISO: 200
