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The Art of Nude Photography

Welcome to the Docian blog, which is intended to be a combination of work from my book “The Art of Nude Photography”, work outside the book and reflection on various photography related to the subject. To suggest this will be regular, would be foolhardy. But I hope to share my thoughts at least once every few weeks. This book was never intended to be a definitive book on the subject. Nor is this blog. They should only be seen as a guide to nude photography, reflections if you prefer. They are not intended to suggest “do this”. I do not consider myself an expert. What I do know is that should always be about artistry rather than technical.

The book was originally designed to be notes for workshops, which by their very nature always have significant practical content outside the written word. However, I would hope that the content of the book may offer inspiration to a wider audience, even without a workshop.

This book is about my personal experience and my way of shooting to create what has become my portfolio in this area. (Note that if you are looking for f-stops and shutter speeds, you will be disappointed.) As you develop your style and technique, you should not be looking at what settings other use. Use lighting in a way to create your vision, rather than reproduce the art of others. Try to develop a feel for the subject so that you are truly creating your own images and not just following others. Reflect – look at your last image and ask how you can take a better one.

If you would like a copy of the book, drop me an email at docianphoto (at) But I may take a little time to respond.