If the content of this website leads you to want to get to know me, then talk to me.
If you want to know why I take photos you find here, I will offer three morsels for you to interpret as you wish:
1) “I photograph to find out what something will look like photographed.” Gary Winograd.
2) Richard Feynman, Nobel prize-winning physicist once said (very roughly paraphrased) that whilst his artist friend could see the visual beauty in a flower, that ability was not limited to just self-professed (and highly subjective) artists. He could see beyond that the beauty of the mathematics that defined the transient shapes as well as the science behind what you see, at multiple levels. Beauty is to be found in all three.
3) I try to include a little intrigue in my images, to pervert your perceptions of what otherwise you may overlook.
These three are central to the photograph shown here and throughout this website. Make of it whatever you wish.
If you want a boring self-glorification of past deeds, please go elsewhere.